Personalize your conversations

Exairon empowers you to personalize and customize every element of your chatbot, from content to design, images, and conversation flows.

Modern design seamlessly aligned with your brand's identity

Seamlessly integrate modern design into your corporate identity. Shape the widget to mirror your brand’s essence on your website.

Widget that can be tailored completely to support your customers.

You can customize the shape of both the bot and user messages, or you can utilise our pre-made avatars.

Personalize the Bubble Launcher icon colour or upload your own design

Effortlessly adjust button border radius and customize color choices for your valued customers.

You can easily set the border radius for your buttons and customize the color for your precious customers 

You can customize the font style and size of the text you add to the virtual assistant.

Empower you to modify the widget’s background colors according to your preferences.

Transform Your Customer Experience with AI to Grow Your Business

Start transforming your customer experience with Exairon and unlock countless opportunities to scale your business